
Ayurveda Massages + Treatments
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function initPayPalButton() { paypal.Buttons({ style: { shape: 'rect', color: 'silver', layout: 'horizontal', label: '', }, createOrder: function(data, actions) { return actions.order.create({ purchase_units: [{"description":"Herbal powder massage","amount":{"currency_code":"EUR","value":80}}] }); }, onApprove: function(data, actions) { return actions.order.capture().then(function(details) { alert('Transaction completed by ' + + '!'); }); }, onError: function(err) { console.log(err); } }).render('#paypal-button-container'); } initPayPalButton();
function initPayPalButton() { paypal.Buttons({ style: { shape: 'rect', color: 'silver', layout: 'horizontal', label: '', }, createOrder: function(data, actions) { return actions.order.create({ purchase_units: [{"description":"Medicated oil bath","amount":{"currency_code":"EUR","value":80}}] }); }, onApprove: function(data, actions) { return actions.order.capture().then(function(details) { alert('Transaction completed by ' + + '!'); }); }, onError: function(err) { console.log(err); } }).render('#paypal-button-container'); } initPayPalButton();
function initPayPalButton() { paypal.Buttons({ style: { shape: 'rect', color: 'silver', layout: 'horizontal', label: '', }, createOrder: function(data, actions) { return actions.order.create({ purchase_units: [{"description":"Massage mit medizinischem Reis","amount":{"currency_code":"EUR","value":80}}] }); }, onApprove: function(data, actions) { return actions.order.capture().then(function(details) { alert('Transaction completed by ' + + '!'); }); }, onError: function(err) { console.log(err); } }).render('#paypal-button-container'); } initPayPalButton();
function initPayPalButton() { paypal.Buttons({ style: { shape: 'rect', color: 'silver', layout: 'horizontal', label: '', }, createOrder: function(data, actions) { return actions.order.create({ purchase_units: [{"description":"Bodymassage","amount":{"currency_code":"EUR","value":90}}] }); }, onApprove: function(data, actions) { return actions.order.capture().then(function(details) { alert('Transaction completed by ' + + '!'); }); }, onError: function(err) { console.log(err); } }).render('#paypal-button-container'); } initPayPalButton();
function initPayPalButton() { paypal.Buttons({ style: { shape: 'rect', color: 'silver', layout: 'horizontal', label: '', }, createOrder: function(data, actions) { return actions.order.create({ purchase_units: [{"description":"headmassage","amount":{"currency_code":"EUR","value":50}}] }); }, onApprove: function(data, actions) { return actions.order.capture().then(function(details) { alert('Transaction completed by ' + + '!'); }); }, onError: function(err) { console.log(err); } }).render('#paypal-button-container'); } initPayPalButton();
Specially made herbal oil applied on the face, forehead and neck.