

This class is ideal for beginners who have little or no prior knowledge.
All fundamental asanas are carefully taught according to traditional methods without causing any injury to the body.
These stretching and strengthening exercises, as well as specific breathing and relaxation techniques will improve flexibility, strength and health and are good for the body and mind.

Yoga for Intermediate Level

Practice orientated intermediate and advanced training for those who would like to expand their knowledge of Yoga and physical abilities through advanced asanas, pranayama, bandhas, kriyas, and mudras.

It is open to all who already have some yoga knowledge.
You can practice asanas, pranayama, kriyas and chanting mantras with Sri Sivan Namboothiri to revitalize your body, mind and soul.

Flexible Price Carts for all Open Yoga Classes

Attend all Open Yoga Classes with this flexible Carts and Memberships


6 Month Validity
160 €
  • 16,00 € per Yoga Class
  • 6 Month Validity
  • ...

Cart 30

12 Month Validity
405 €
  • 13,50 € per Yoga Hour
  • 12 Month Validity
  • ...


12 Month
749 €
  •  2 x per week
  • 7.80 € per yoga hour
  • ca. 96 times a year


12 Month
980 €
  • 3 x per week
  • 6.80 € per yoga hour
  • ca. 144 times a year

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